Stores Operational Management

Store Staffs

Store Manager

Staff management and supervision.

The headquarters operation department assists the store manager in recruiting, training, assessment, work arrangement, scheduling and supervision of store clerks.

Report work and problem feedback to headquarters.

Report to the headquarters operations manager on the work, personnel and performance of the store. And feedback requirements and suggestions at the same time;

Performance objective decomposition.
The operation department of the headquarters shall formulate store objectives, and the store manager shall decompose the store performance indicators to each employee;

Data tracking and reproducing.
The store manager tracks the store sales data and commodity data in real time, and summarizes the data daily.  Feedback to the operations department of the headquarters and timely adjusts the strategy.

Commodity Management.
Cooperate with the commodity department of the headquarters to order new products in the store in a timely manner.  Control the not good sales products and also do the inventory management.

Promotion activity Management.
The operation department of the headquarters shall cooperate with the store manager to implement the activity plan, including material production and application, activity development and control, and activity summary.

Store management.
Headquarters operations department regularly inspects the stores. The store managers will cooperate and adjust the display, and control the brisk sales.

Store Assistant

Headquarters standardize the appearance of store assistant.
Including the dress, hair and service etiquette of the store assistants

Headquarters improve the store assistant skills.
Including work skills (cash register skills, sales skills, display skills, health skills, product knowledge), anti-loss and anti-theft skills, after-sales problem handling skills, emergency problem handling skills

Store Staffs


Headquarters direct the products display

Eight display principles:

1. It’s easy to see

2. Be rich and full

3. Easy to get, easy to take

4. Categorize the list

5. First in, first out

6. Related to the list

7. Vertical set

8. Gold position display

Headquarters assist in the commodity control

1. Purchase control
2. Slow and good sales products control
3. Store products control
4. Loss Prevention control



The headquarters shall assist the stores to control the work matters before, during and after operation to ensure the normal operation of the stores.

Before Business:

Spare gold store equipment inspection, display, health inspection, staff appearance inspection, general preparation and arrangement of work tasks.

In Operation:

For light market: 

Products display and hygiene training, attracting customers and attracting customers into the store, understanding and analyzing sales difficulties, service and sales skills training.

For the prosperous field: 

Maintenance of layout and replenishment of best-selling products, service management and pay guidance, store control and sales sprint, health management, inspection of stores and anti-theft.

After Business:

Turnover check, sales review, goods display replenishment and cleaning up.


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